
Our concepts are small bridges that close the gaps currently causing a lack of coherence between systems. We customize them to fit the problem.

They all originate from specific solutions we’ve created for our clients, using our own tool, Wenited HUB.

Project management

A collaboration platform between your organisation and your clients. Used when you need to share information across organisations.

InfoBoard App

Displays elements from Apps, SharePoint or external data in one or more views based on templates. The app enables you to create and display multiple datasources in rotation.


The MiniCRM is a lighter version to be used, when the larger and more complex CRM systems aren’t needed. Instead of buying a large system and spending time and money on scaling features down, our MiniCRM will deliver just the right amount of information.


The MiniHR is used to collect and store employee information in one safe location, and make sure that access is only given to the right people. This includes support of the new General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).